Sunday, August 31, 2008


a hug enema?

a huge enema?

a huge nema? (what's a nema?)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

via another channel!

15:13 <@goldenmean> Like the madonna of tastelessness
15:14 < maggie_> That is my new band name

Monday, August 18, 2008

this band name...

is either for drag queens or rabid lesbians:

diva cup and the sacred fertility chalices

or maybe rabidly lesbian drag queens who play death metal?

two great bands that go great together

from blop:

'anal piercing'

and from wikipedia, via diabolika:

'second head anal fistula'

21:13 <diabolika> second head anal fistula is my new death metal band

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Minders with Blinders

Source: An internet message board talking about this video:

"Bonus points for the Chinese minders with blinders at the ready."