Wednesday, December 31, 2008

11:10 <isosceles> # Woman, 88, yanks nude intruder's testicles
11:10 <isosceles> BEST HEADLINE EVER
11:11 <toast> 'nude intruder' is a great band name

Friday, December 12, 2008

From a wikipedia article: 

When the user inhales through the device, the air flow is detected by a sensor. A microswitch then activates a piezoelectric nebulizer (popularized by the industry as an atomizer), which injects tiny droplets of the liquid into the flowing air and vapourises the nicotine.
Nebulizer is a great band name..

Electric Menorah

Me: Should I put a menorah in my office window?
Ladyfriend: They have Electric Menorahs over there.
Me: God damn that would be a good band name.
Ladyfriend: I think someone beat you to it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Carrot Binge

<@Encapsulate> It's come to it. I'm eating carrots.
<@toast> Encapsulate: I thought that would be like step 1 of veganism

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Lunchmeat Situation

Scene: Grocery Store
Setting: October, 2008

Shawn. Do we need lunch meat?
Zeb. I do not know The Lunchmeat Situation.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

gynecologist with office popcorn machine.

vagina carnival?


Friday, September 12, 2008

from the rulebook for the boardgame 'pente' comes the phrase:

the deadly tessera

that is seriously how they refer to 4 pieces placed in a row.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


<@Encapsulate> toast:
<@Encapsulate> toast: It
<@Encapsulate> s pl
<@Encapsulate> fuck boingboing crashed my brain for a second there.
<@toast> Encapsulate: oh good lord
<@toast> Encapsulate: you know, I saw that, and for a second I had a really
strong urge to be a vegan
<@Encapsulate> "Friday - The Hot Beef Sundaes - Doors at 8p $5"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh hai

Johhny McCoolName and the Flopping Udders

All we gotta do is learn A cappella and for me to get a name chang and then we have the ultimate band name

tonight is fruitful

19:36 <cj_> madcow: wiki irrumatio
19:36 <madcow> Irrumatio - Irrumatio, also called irrumation, is a type of sexual intercourse performed by actively thrusting one's penis into one's partner's mouth or by thrusting the penis between the legs, upper thighs, or between the abdomens of two partners. Also known as dry sex. The English noun irrumatio or irrumation and verb irrumate come from the Latin irrumare that means to suck or fellate.
19:36 <toast> whoa
19:36 <toast> that's a new one to me
19:36 <cj_> same
19:37 <occ> irrumatic

19:42 <cj_> madcow: google hypnic teabagger

goatse is the alpha and the omega

marzipan magic

from a conversation relating to a very well done goatse cake.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

From the Street

Hermiston Melons
10:03 <hlprmnky> I am trying to imagine the musical genre for which that is an ideal band name
10:03 <hlprmnky> it's...surprisingly difficult
10:03 <hlprmnky> there are many possibilities

Sunday, August 31, 2008


a hug enema?

a huge enema?

a huge nema? (what's a nema?)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

via another channel!

15:13 <@goldenmean> Like the madonna of tastelessness
15:14 < maggie_> That is my new band name

Monday, August 18, 2008

this band name...

is either for drag queens or rabid lesbians:

diva cup and the sacred fertility chalices

or maybe rabidly lesbian drag queens who play death metal?

two great bands that go great together

from blop:

'anal piercing'

and from wikipedia, via diabolika:

'second head anal fistula'

21:13 <diabolika> second head anal fistula is my new death metal band

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Minders with Blinders

Source: An internet message board talking about this video:

"Bonus points for the Chinese minders with blinders at the ready."

Friday, July 25, 2008

Black Hitler

I guess the new thing is to compare Obama to Hitler for some reason..

'Black Hitler' is a pretty good name for a band.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Porn Cousin

<@twid> thank god the fda has already ruined the tomato crop for th eyear
<@Encapsulate> Hah
<@Encapsulate> POISON CORN: This should be easy to take care of
<@toast> heh
<@Encapsulate> I mean, how much corn do we eat every day?
<@toast> poison corn isn't a very good band name
<@Encapsulate> No, yet it seems like it should be.
<@toast> mostly because it's the combination of 2 horrible bands
<@Encapsulate> Science has yet to unwrap that mystery.
<@Encapsulate> Corn Poison is better though.
<@toast> true, but still, same problem
<@Encapsulate> Porn Cousin resolves this.
<@toast> haha
<@toast> porn cousin is a great band name
<@toast> cousin porn is a good song name
<@Encapsulate> This is wise.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Typo from IM Conversation: Relationshit

Cappy [10:31 AM]:
He also said, and Trevor said similar things to me: They're very pleased with how we handle our working relationshit.
Daks [10:31 AM]:
hmmmm...hello, Freud?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Band names cappy and I came up with during the portland night ride

  • pretzel mouth (what you get when you eat pretzels without a beverage to wash them down)
  • 242 PAP (from a license plate)
  • Q2 Forecast (what cappy thought I said when I told him '242 PAP')


playing with nico's belly

Chicken Lingo

from IRC

Sunday, July 6, 2008


For our german techno side project.

(name comes from beer making equipment)

Mystery Bobblehead

via cappy, who doesn't know how to post to the blog from his phone.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008