Tuesday, May 11, 2010

14:03 <@tamara> cappy was in LORDOSIS
14:03 <@toast> Encapsulate: they call that "lordosis" hehe
14:03 <@toast> tamara: :)
14:03 <@tamara> ^5 toast buddy!!

14:04 <@toast> madcow: wiki lordosis behavior
14:04 <@madcow> toast: Lordosis behavior - Lordosis behavior, or Mammalian
lordosis, is a sexual response in mammals, such as mice and
cats, that consists of a ventral arching of the spine. During
lordosis, the spine curves so that the apex points in the
ventral direction. That is, the spine arches inward toward the
abdomen. Lordosis aids in copulation, as it elevates the hips
to allow for intercourse.

14:05 <@toast> tamara: omfg
14:05 <@toast> tamara: "Some anthropologists speculate that
women wearing high heels demonstrates lordosis behaviour[1]."
14:06 <@tamara> toast: STILETTO LORDOSIS
14:06 <@tamara> ^ BAND NAME
14:06 <> :D
14:06 <@toast> tamara: omg agreed
14:06 <@toast> tamara: BLOG IT

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