Wednesday, December 31, 2008

11:10 <isosceles> # Woman, 88, yanks nude intruder's testicles
11:10 <isosceles> BEST HEADLINE EVER
11:11 <toast> 'nude intruder' is a great band name

Friday, December 12, 2008

From a wikipedia article: 

When the user inhales through the device, the air flow is detected by a sensor. A microswitch then activates a piezoelectric nebulizer (popularized by the industry as an atomizer), which injects tiny droplets of the liquid into the flowing air and vapourises the nicotine.
Nebulizer is a great band name..

Electric Menorah

Me: Should I put a menorah in my office window?
Ladyfriend: They have Electric Menorahs over there.
Me: God damn that would be a good band name.
Ladyfriend: I think someone beat you to it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Carrot Binge

<@Encapsulate> It's come to it. I'm eating carrots.
<@toast> Encapsulate: I thought that would be like step 1 of veganism